New Member Resources
“We believe that there are no visitors; just new members by way of visitation.”
Key Terms: Membership, Baptism, New Member Orientation & Right Hand of Fellowship
How do I become a member?
We would love for you, your family, and friends to join New Zion Baptist Church. Generally, during every service we open the doors of the church, and urge you to walk down the aisle. Our Pastor, Deacons, or Ministers will greet you in the front. After service you will meet with our church clerk who will gather your information and inform you of our New Members Orientation. If you are watching through our Social Ministry, we urge you to contact us at (908)355-0081, and we will walk you through the process of joining our Great Ministry.
What is Baptism?
Baptism is "An act of obedience that was commanded by Jesus." Matthew 28:18-20
Baptism is symbolic of one being cleansed from sin and dying to their old life and being born to a new life in Christ.
What if I am not baptized?
Once you walk forward to join, meet with the church clerk after service, or call our office at (908) 355-0081; one of the questions you will be asked is whether you have been baptized. Once she gathers this information she will provide a baptismal date and inform you of everything you will need.
What are the New Membership Orientation Classes?
Taught by Deacon Jerome Sales, the 5 week class series is designed to give new members an understanding of what the Bible says about leadership and the local church. We believe God is a God of order - so it is important that we understand the order that God has established for His church. We begin by taking a look at the institution of the church, and progress from there. After you have successfully completed the classes, you will receive the Right Hand of Fellowship.
What is the Right Hand of Fellowship?
On the next First Sunday, following your completion of the 5 week New Membership Orientation Classes, you will receive the Right Hand of Fellowship in front of the church congregation. Also on that same day you will receive the membership certificate and member envelope number. The Right Hand of Fellowship publicly announces to the congregation you are a new tithing member of our church body. You will be welcomed by our Senior Servant, Pastor Kevin J. White and the official church board.

Let New Zion Serve You...
Are there activities for my children?
New Zion Baptist Church has a number of activities for children and young adults. Click here to see the various ministries that your children might enjoy.
Are there member support services?
We provide several support services. If you are in need of counseling, youth activities, Christian Education, or other ministry activities, New Zion Baptist Church offers them. Please reach out to the main office at (908) 355-0081 to learn more about how we can serve your needs.
Does your church offer Sunday School?
Every Sunday at 9:30am we hold Sunday School, here at New Zion. Additionally, on Wednesday's at 12:00 pm we have prayer and at 7:00 pm we hold a Bible Institute on Zoom that is taught by our Pastor, Kevin J. White, as well as the various leaders of our church.
New Zion is committed to serving, and walking in Excellence...
What is the vision of your church?
New Zion Baptist Church's vision is, Increasing Gods' Kingdom by Building the disciples who are Evangelizing others to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. The VISION will yield unending results to our Mission!
What is the mission of your church?
New Zion Baptist Church is a Bible preaching, Bible teaching, Bible believing, Bible living church committed to the great commission of Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and dedicated to imparting the Word of God to impact the world.